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FOLKS Lake Sweep

Our goal is to keep Lake Keowee Clean through FOLKS memberships, donations, and the help of our volunteers. Lake Sweeps are sponsored by FOLKS, Duke Energy, and Palmetto Pride. 

See the Captains Checklist HERE.

Volunteer for Lake Sweeps HERE.


  1. Please complete your sub-area Survey/Sweep Report on schedule.

  2. Return the completed report.  This report can now be completed online HERE.  Or you can download and print the form HERE.

  3. Deliver bagged trash and other recovered items to any of the public landings.  Duke will have dumpsters available during the sweep dates at Stamp Creek, Warpath and Fall Creek North Landings.

  4. Mark and identify, on your SUB-SECTION MAP, the exact location of all items too large to pick up, take photos and include in your lake sweep report form online or email to

  5. Mark and identify, on your SUB-SECTION MAP, the exact location of any fire pits identified, take photos and include in your lake sweep report form online or email to

  6. Thank you for volunteering to be one of the over 70 Boat Captains required to complete the Sweep. Your leadership is needed, recognized and greatly appreciated.


General Lake Sweep Information

Thank you for agreeing to participate in our Spring and Fall Sweeps of Lake Keowee. Welcome Back to those of you who have participated before and Welcome Aboard to all newcomers.

Our lake Sweep is part of a larger U.S. and State wide program sponsored by Palmetto Pride, the Governor’s Task Force on Beautification and Litter.  Semi annually we join with thousands of others throughout the state to clean our waterways. A major purpose of the co-coordinated effort is to raise public awareness of the serious problem caused by aquatic litter and debris.  Trash in and around our fresh waters and oceans may not appear to be an important issue, but aquatic litter and debris pose serious problems for our economy and our environment. Accumulated trash threatens recreational activities such as swimming and fishing. Life threatening situations are also created for creatures that make their home in the water.

The Survey/Sweep is organized as follows:

A team of Sweep Co-coordinators recruit eighteen individual’s to serve as Co-commanders for the nine sections of the Lake. These Co-commanders then recruit the necessary number of Boat Captains to cover their assigned sections. The Captains then recruit their crews. The Co-coordinators provide the Co-commanders with a Survey/Sweep package for their sub-sections which they distribute to their Captains. This package contains a Kingfish Lake Map, a colored sub-section map indicating the area to be swept, a Captain’s report sheet, the documents you are now reading, and the bags provided by Duke Energy for trash pick-up. The Survey suggests current and/or future problems, while the Sweep shows the quantity and types of debris collected.

Upon completion of the Survey/Sweep sub-sections, the Captains report their findings to their Co-commanders who then return these reports to the coordinators.  When the entire Survey/Sweep is completed, the Co-coordinators analyze the results and send a final report to FOLKS and Duke Energy.  Items too large to boat by Captains are identified by sub-section location and reported to Duke Energy's Shoreline Management staff for barge pick up to resolve. Their contact is or 1-800-443-5193. Be sure to detail the GPS location of the large trash item.

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