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Through FOLKS Memberships, and the help of the  volunteers, our goal is to keep Lake Keowee clean. Lake Sweeps are sponsored by Duke Energy and PalmettoPride.


Captains Kits

  1. Please complete your sub-area Survey/Sweep on schedule.

  2. Return the complete packet (results and all maps, as those materials are required for the next Sweep) to your Co-commander (RESULTS SHEET ON BACK) or report your sweep results on the form below.

  3. Deliver bagged trash and other recovered items to any of the public landings.  Duke will have dumpsters available during the sweep dates at Stamp Creek, Warpath and Fall Creek North Landings.

  4. Mark and identify, on your SUB-SECTION MAP, the exact location of all items too large to pick up, take photos and email to

  5. Mark and identify, on your SUB-SECTION MAP, the exact location of any fire pits identified, take photos and email to

  6. Thank you for volunteering to be one of the over 70 Boat Captains required to complete the Sweep. Your leadership is needed, recognized and greatly appreciated.

Lake Sweep Report Form

Thanks for submitting!

Report Form
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