2025 FOLKS Photo Contest

Time to get out there and get some great pictures again. Previoous year’s contest had some amazing photography that showcases the beauty of wonderful Lake Keowee and its environs starting with this announcement and running until 12/20/2025. All photo entries must be original content, created and owned by the submitter.
This year's categories are:
On The Lake
In The Mountains
In The Watershed
Top entries received every two months will be published in The FOLKS Sentinel. The bi-monthly winners from last year’s contest were also featured in the FOLKS Calendar. Grand prize winners will be chosen from those selected for publication and awards given next December.
Please send all entries in jpeg formatAll photos must be a minimum of 5”x7” at 300 pixels per inch (300 dpi) or 20.8”x29.1” at 72 pixels per inch. Please contact folks@keoweefolks.org for questions.
Contest rules and details available HERE.